MiraLAX Safety and Use in Children
Many parents wonder if MiraLAX is a safe option for constipation. Learn about if it’s safe and possible side effects.
Probiotics in Infants: Do They Help?
Many parents wonder if probiotics are a safe option. Learn about when the literature supports probiotics and important considerations.
Eczema in Children: Causes, Symptoms, and Management
Atopic dermatitis, or eczema, is common in children. Learn the causes, symptoms, and the top 4 approaches to managing eczema.
Is Red Dye Safe to Eat?
There have been many circulating concerns about red dye. Learn what red dye is and if it’s safe for children to consume.
The Top 5 Things to Monitor When Your Child is Sick
Do you have a sick kiddo at home? Remember to monitor these 5 things and know when to seek medical attention.
What is Newborn Jaundice?
Did you notice your newborn looked a little yellow in their early days? Read to learn more about newborn jaundice and how it’s treated.
What You Need to Know About Strep Throat
Learn everything you need to know about strep throat in kids. What symptoms are, when treatment is needed, and possible complications.
What You Need to Know About Pink Eye
Pink eye can be viral or bacterial, and sometimes it’s difficult to know which one! Learn how to differentiate and what treatment is needed.
Febrile Seizures
Febrile seizures can be scary for parents. Learn what they are, what causes them, what they look like, and what to do if they happen.
Is Tylenol Really Toxic?
There is so much misinformation about Tylenol. Learn about Tylenol, the current research, and important considerations for use in children.
The COVID vaccine for babies and toddlers
The COVID vaccine for kids 6 months-5 years. The most current vaccine updates and information about the COVID vaccine for kids.
The truth about water beads
Water beads are small (some are opaque) and they look like candy. Learn the risks, signs of ingestion, and what to do.