Sun Safety and sunscreen for babies and children
Sun safety is so important for our us and our children. Learn about sun safety and sunscreen tips and recommendations.
Salmonella and Kids
Salmonella in children: what is salmonella, what are the symptoms, how is it diagnosed, treated, and how to reduce the risk for salmonella?
Is there an enzyme to determine the risk for SIDS?
Is there an enzyme to determine the risk for SIDS? Discussing the research study and explaining why we need more information.
Travel during COVID? Things to consider
Important considerations as you make your decision on travel during COVID. How to weigh the risks versus benefits.
A curious case of hepatitis in kids worldwide
Information and details about the health alert issued by the CDC and WHO regarding a rise in hepatitis cases in children across the country.
Thrush is a common infection that can affect newborns and in some cases, moms too. Learn what it is, what it looks like, and why it happens.
“Why is my child always sick?”
So many parents can relate to the feeling of back-to-back illnesses. Learn why your child is getting sick and when to be concerned.