Don’t Miss Out On the pedsdoctalk 2024 Black Friday Sale!

November 20th – November 25th

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Don't Miss Out on the PedsDocTalk

2024 Mother's Day Sale!

Workshop on Sale from May 8 - 13

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Newborn Sleep Workshop

Learn how to approach your newborn’s sleep!

An easy-to-digest on-demand workshop for anyone who is expecting or has a baby less than 12 weeks.

click to find out more

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The first four months postpartum can be difficult especially with sleep deprivation. And the thing is every baby is different. I've been there and I get so many of the same questions:

We are up all night. We have tried everything.
We only get 2-hour stretches at night, is this normal?
My daughter only sleeps during the day with contact naps.

It’s 2:00 A.M., and you’re up in the middle of the night with your newborn and feel like you have tried everything.

“What next?”

So many parents dread the nights with a newborn, but managing your expectations and understanding newborn sleep can help you to feel more confident and prepared. I want to guide you through EVERYTHING about newborn sleep to help your baby sleep better, which will help YOU sleep better.

I know from experience that more sleep can help you feel more like yourself, to be the parent you want to be, and allow you to enjoy the newborn phase better.

This is why I created a Newborn Sleep Workshop!

Learn how to approach your newborn’s sleep

PedsDocTalk Newborn Sleep Workshop
PedsDocTalk Workshop - Newborn Sleep

Includes The Following:

Get the Newborn Sleep Workshop for just $27

* Non Refundable

This is why I created a Newborn Sleep Workshop!

Learn how to approach your newborn’s sleep

PedsDocTalk Newborn Sleep Workshop
PedsDocTalk Workshop - Newborn Sleep

Includes The Following:

Get the Newborn Sleep Workshop for just $27 $17

* Non Refundable

What we will discuss in the workshop:

Newborn Sleep Guide

Already a "New Moms Survival Guide" member?
No need to purchase!
You will get access to this replay in the course portal!

Dr. Mona Admin

Hey there,

I’m Dr. Mona


Welcome to a safe, trusted space to get parenting advice from a doctor – who’s also a mom trying her best, just like you.

I love sharing smart, helpful advice to make the motherhood journey a little easier and a lot more joyful.

I’ve built an inclusive and caring community of over 100,000 fans and followers on my various channels.

I have first-hand experienced the things all new parents think or worry about. And I love connecting everything I share with patients and their families with personal real-life and relatable experience.

How do I know if I'm making the right decisions for my child?

How do I know if I'm a good mom?

That’s why it’s my mission to share balanced, well-researched parenting advice – to lesson those big worries and help moms find more joy in motherhood!

Introducing: The Newborn Sleep Workshop

Learn how to approach your newborn’s sleep!

PedsDocTalk Workshop - Newborn Sleep

Includes The Following:

Get the Newborn Sleep Workshop for just $27

* Non Refundable

Introducing: The Newborn Sleep Workshop

Learn how to approach your newborn’s sleep!

PedsDocTalk Workshop - Newborn Sleep

Includes The Following:

Get the Newborn Sleep Workshop for just $27 $17

* Non Refundable