quick response emergency guide
Choking Guide
be prepared for Choking emergencies!
How to make sure your baby or toddler is choking
When to call 911
First Aid steps for a choking baby or toddler
No one wants to be caught unprepared in an emergency, especially with their baby or toddler. Download our Choking Guide so you know what to do if you ever find yourself in a choking emergency. Being prepared can save a life!
Enter your email and this little bundle of joy will be on its way
(Bonus: No Poopy Diapers!)
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Hi there!
I’m Dr. Mona, I’m a Board Certified Pediatrician, IBCLC, and Mom.
When moms come to see me in my medical practice, they tend to have the same questions.
And the same worries.
How do I help my baby sleep at night? Do I have to help them?
I don’t know if I should breast or bottle feed? Or both?
Why is my toddler having so many tantrums? Is this normal?
I became a mom in 2019 to my son Ryaan and again in 2023 to my daughter Vera, and I experienced all the same thoughts and feelings many new moms do.
And it changed me as a doctor.
Now I know the real questions all moms have are:
How do I know if I'm a good mom?
That’s why it’s my mission to share balanced, well-researched parenting advice to lessen those big worries and help moms find more joy in motherhood
First time – and more experienced – moms love the insights and advice I share as a pediatrician.
They love following along BTS as I navigate life as a first time mom.
I hope you will too.
quick response emergency guide
Choking Guide
No one wants to be caught unprepared in an emergency, especially with their baby or toddler. Download our Choking Guide so you know what to do if you ever find yourself in a choking emergency. Being prepared can save a life!