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Dry Drowning

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Is Dry Drowning a real concern?

Every summer, the term “dry drowning” makes its rounds on social media. 

Drowning is a serious issue and water safety is of the utmost importance.

Drowning is one of two things: Fatal or non-fatal.

However, dry drowning isn’t exactly a medical issue and is a misnomer as are the terms near-drowning and secondary drowning. 

Let’s discuss terminology you may have heard:

Sometimes, you will hear the term “near-drowning,” which usually means the person was drowning but didn’t die, but honestly the terminology is confusing. A person can drown and survive just like someone can be injured in a car crash and survive. It’s still called drowning. 


Many social media posts or accounts will spread stories about a child who went underwater for a few seconds or longer before being pulled to safety. They cough up water and they did not require CPR or any resuscitation. They seem normal and go back to swimming, playing, etc. They cough and suffer a laryngospasm (spasm of their airway). 

Secondary drowning or delayed drowning

This also is not a diagnosable condition, but has been thrown around across social media and the media. This has been described as when water gets into the lungs. The water in the lungs can cause irritation and/or inflammation in the lungs leading to difficulty breathing, feeling unwell, and sometimes vomiting. A true medical name for this would be an aspiration pneumonia and a child would have symptoms that would prompt a parent to take them to be seen.

The misuse and misunderstanding of “Dry drowning” and “secondary drowning” cause a fear that an amazing looking child will just simply deteriorate with no signs of symptoms. When in actuality, there are symptoms to monitor. And that is the misconception I want to debunk in this blog. 

Drowning is the process of experiencing respiratory impairment (AKA an inability to breathe) from being submerged in a liquid such as water. There is a spectrum of drowning. The problem is people think all drowning is fatal, when it’s not. Someone who drowns and survives had a non-fatal drowning NOT a non-fatal NEAR-DROWNING. 

But, it’s important to know WHEN to seek medical attention after water play or a submersion in water.  

  • Without question, if your child is pulled from the water with no pulse,; CPR must be done immediately and 911 needs to be called. 
  • If your child is pulled from the water but has a pulse, seek medical attention if they’re:
    • not acting normally (breathing but incoherent, out of it, or just not interactive at baseline) 
    • Having an excessive and persistent cough
    • Not breathing normally (rapid breathing) 
    • Foaming at the mouth
  • If your child was playing in water, went underneath, and comes up coughing; monitor. If they’re playful, it’s okay to go about your daily activities. Their body did what it needed and the cough likely protected water from going down their airway. Within the next 24 hours, you can continue your normal activities, but monitor the following:
    • Increased work of (where their chest is moving in and out rapidly or their nostrils are flaring in and out rapidly) 
    • Persistent cough (this could be a coincidental concurrent virus, however if the cough is persistent and worsening; a medical evaluation is warranted).   
    • Fever with cough 
    • Persistent vomiting 
    • Not interactive at baseline

As a parent, I know very well that kids can often get sick after being in the pool. The heat, swallowing water, and playing with other children can all mean they can have post-swimming vomiting or even viral symptoms (including a cough) the days after swimming.

This can confuse many parents into thinking this is a non-fatal drowning event, when its not.

The key is to monitor for persistence of symptoms especially any difficulty breathing, increased listlessness, or dehydration.

If your child is looking unwell with any of the symptoms above after water play at any point, call your Pediatrician or go to the ER. We will make sure their lungs sound okay, we will evaluate their breathing, and confirm whether it’s a virus or any concern of drowning.  

I encourage you to abandon the use of “dry-drowning” and “secondary drowning” as it’s often attached with fear and misinformation. 

Drowning is drowning and can be fatal or non-fatal. It’s the non-fatal ones that have gotten these “buzz-word” headlines.

Do remember; an asymptomatic child who came out of the water will not just have a sudden demise related to water inhalation. There WILL be symptoms mentioned above that will alert you to seek medical attention.   

For drowning prevention tips, read this blog from the AAP and my blog about swim lessons and puddle jumpers.  

P.S. – Follow the PDT Instagram, where I provide posts, fun reels and even highlights on different topics – including an entire SAFETY HIGHLIGHT!

Dr. Mona Admin

Hi there!

I’m a Board Certified Pediatrician, IBCLC, and a mom of two.

I know the ups and downs of becoming a mom and raising kids.

I help moms ditch the worry and second-guessing so you can find more joy in motherhood.


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All information presented on this blog, my Instagram, and my podcast is for educational purposes and should not be taken as personal medical advice. These platforms are to educate and should not replace the medical judgment of a licensed healthcare provider who is evaluating a patient.

It is the responsibility of the guardian to seek appropriate medical attention when they are concerned about their child.

All opinions are my own and do not reflect the opinions of my employer or hospitals I may be affiliated with.