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PedsDocTalk Podcast

A podcast for parents regarding the health and wellness of their children.

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Mirror Neurons: Why They’re Important in Child Development

Mirror neurons are one of the keys to child development. Our babies and kids are watching and observing us and how we interact with them, others, and ourselves. On this episode, I welcome Chris Lake, a young childhood development expert and educator, and founder of Behavior Booster, to discuss:


  • The science behind mirror neurons
  • How we as parents can use mirror neurons to our benefit in child development and parenting
  • Why modeling for our kids is so important


Connect with Chris on Instagram @behaviorbooster.


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All information presented on this blog, my Instagram, and my podcast is for educational purposes and should not be taken as personal medical advice. These platforms are to educate and should not replace the medical judgment of a licensed healthcare provider who is evaluating a patient.

It is the responsibility of the guardian to seek appropriate medical attention when they are concerned about their child.

All opinions are my own and do not reflect the opinions of my employer or hospitals I may be affiliated with.